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Which plants are best for indoors

If your home doesn’t have a ton of square footage that doesn’t mean you can’t show your love for greenery. With indoor plants, you don’t need much space. Indoor plants will provide you cleaner and fresher air. And one of the best part is, instead of any expensive home decoration these indoor plants can be your home décor. Some well-placed greenery can brighten the space and help you feel like relaxed and restful. Nevertheless, it can be difficult to know which plants are best for indoor gardening.

Below mentioned are the 10 plants that will be suitable for your indoor gardening :

           1.      Monstera deliciosa or “Swiss cheese plant”

Swiss cheese plant is one of the most popular indoor plants around right now

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There is no doubt that swiss cheese plant is one of the most popular indoor plants around right             now. They can grow to fit any space and their luxurious green leaves with characteristic holes            makes them look stunning. A warm climate away from direct sunlight is appropriate for                      Monstera plants. And cleaning them regularly with a soft, damp cloth is beneficial for them.

         Over watering this plant could lead to rotting of the root so, you should let the top 4cm of soil             dry out between watering. Yellow or wilting leaves are the signs of it. Monsteras should be                 placed in a condition that are fairly moist so you should avoid artificial heating and cooling.

         You should provide some kind of stake or trellis support for Monsteras to climb, because they              like climbing.

             2.    Devils Ivy or Epipermnum aureum

Devils Ivy or Epipermnum aureum is a fast growing plant. they are also known as golden pothos or pothos

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Devils Ivy is a fast-growing plant. They are also known as golden pothos or pothos. This plant is suitable for any place in the house. These absolutely stunning plants are super low maintenance, they could be potted in a hanging basket or cutting places in glass vases. It has waxy, heart shaped leaves.
They don’t require regular fertilizations and they are highly drought accepting. Water this plant once a week and in winter water them in every other week. To prune and propagate spring is the best time.

3.    Dracaena Massangeana or Mass Cane

Dracaena Massangeana or mass cane is a hardy nature plant and it is popular among the beginner
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Thanks to hardy nature this plant is popular among the beginner. And because of its strong nature it is a great decoration for offices. They can grow between 1.2 to 1.8 meters tall with long green leaves containing light yellow and green stripes. If you are looking for a large plant than it’s a great option. The best place for this plant is in the indirect sunlight but low light is also tolerated by it. You will just have to remember to water it once in a week. Nonetheless, if you have furry friends like cats and dogs then its not the best option for you because this plant is toxic to them. 

4.  Spathiphyllum or Peace Lily

Spathiphyllum or Peace Lily was featured in NASA's list of best air purifying plant
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Since NASA featured Peace Lily in the list of best air purifying plant they have become a popular plant in the house. It has spectacular white flowers and sleek, dark green foliage. They grow between 45 to 65 centimeters tall. It can handle low light but this tropical plant can thrive in bright, indirect light. In warm months they just need to watered once in a week and more less in winter. You should let the plant dry out between watering because they are prone to root rot. Don’t let dust to build up in the foliage, wipe them regularly.
This plant is poisonous if chewed or eaten so, make sure you keep it away from pets and children.

            5.   Bamboo palm

Bamboo palm tree is on NASA's list of top clean air plants

            Bamboo palm is another plant which was listed in NASA’s list of top clean air plants with a                purifying score of 8.4. This bamboo palm will be a stunning decoration for your house no                    matter where you place it. You should water the soil plant until it is moist but don’t over                      water this plant. This is one of the best plant for indoor gardening.

           6.    Sensevieria or Mother-in-law’s tongue

snake plant or mother in laws tongue is a very low maintenance plant
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           Snake plants otherwise known as mother in laws tongue is another low maintenance plant.                   The  name symbolizes the sharp tongue of a mother in law which refers to the pointed tips                   of the leaves. This hardy plant can grow up to 2 meters. If you tend to neglect your plants,                   then  this is the one for you because it takes a lot to kill it. Place it in direct sunlight for                         several hours a day. In shade the plant will take longer to grow. This plant prefers to be too                   dry than too damp so don’t over water it.

           7.     Zanzibar Gem

zanzibar gem is a beautiful and very hardy plant

           This is a stunning plant which looks really great and the best part is its take a lot to kill this                 plant so, you can neglect it all you want if you tend to do so. It is drought resistant. It has deep             green glossy leaves. It can survive a very long period with water. This plant store water in its               potato like tuber that’s why it is so hardy. Don’t over water it. It can tolerate shade but will                   take long time to grow. It is best place in the bright light shaded area. But keep it out of the                direct sun light.

          8.     Anthurium Andraeanum

This plant feature long dark-green leaves and produce stunning red, pink, and white flower which are heart shaped and can last for week
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          This plant feature long dark-green leaves and produce stunning red, pink, and white flower                  which are heart shaped and can last for weeks. This indoor plants originally comes from                      Colombia. To blood the plant demand indirect sun light and their soil needs to be moist in                    winter and spring and little bit dryer in winter. This plant can grow up to 45 centimeters.

          9.      Maidenhair fern

 Maidenhair fern could be a great addition to your home garden or as a home décor. They also              make a great hanging plant. They have light green, feathery leaves with soft shiny stems. This            plant doesn’t need much light but it also need more than a little. It grows well in warm place                with a bit of humidity. This is one of the best plant for indoor gardening.

          Maidenhair fern could be a great addition to your home garden or as a home décor. They also              make a great hanging plant. They have light green, feathery leaves with soft shiny stems. This            plant doesn’t need much light but it also need more than a little. It grows well in warm place                with a bit of humidity. This is one of the best plant for indoor gardening.

         10.     Ficus Elastica or Rubber Plant

When it comes to house plant the Rubber plants is a great choice. It has shiny leaves in shade              of dark green and burgundy. You can either grow it as a small plant in a little pot or you can                grow it into a large indoor tree. It’s a hardy plant. It likes bright indirect light. You will just                  have to water it once a week in warm season and in winter season it will just require watering             monthly or fortnightly.

          When it comes to house plant the Rubber plants is a great choice. It has shiny leaves in shade              of dark green and burgundy. You can either grow it as a small plant in a little pot or you can                grow it into a large indoor tree. It’s a hardy plant. It likes bright indirect light. You will just                  have to water it once a week in warm season and in winter season it will just require watering             monthly or fortnightly.

Above mentioned plants are great choice to have in your house. Some of them require a little bit care and some of them require less than little bit care. You should know how to care for indoor plants. So, you can choose which will be fit with your criteria. All of the mentioned plants are beautiful and they will play a part as your home décor too.
